A picture of food


SutenQuest is a massively multiplayer online game set in Decentraland with ever-expanding, ever-changing content created by the players. SUTEN GAMES offers a system that brings fully realized MMO gameplay to DCL landowners with no coding.

Scroll through concept art and game play for Ruins of Saqqara, a SutenQuest experience in Decentraland.
Los Angeles
Watch a player explore the Ruins of Saqqara in the Decentraland Gamer District.


Since 2020, Suten Games has built experiences for Decentraland in order to solve the most pressing issue in the Metaverse... attracting users.

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Image of snacks


Suten Games has developed SutenCore, an NPM package pluggable into any land parcel that allows Landowners to access to the SutenQuest UI and gameplay.

Instantly add quest NPCs, monsters, vendors, rare NPCs and more to a DCL land parcels from an intuitive web console.

The Suten Difference

Get access to original storylines and quests and receive character advancement, with character classes.
Receive crypto loot, including wearables and utilize a magic system which includes crypto specific spells on any land parcel or estate.

Contact Us

Suten Games offers the complete gaming package including wearables, a token, and other NFTs that appeal to the true gamer of Decentraland.

Start your SUTEN QUEST today,

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